About Leenda...

My photo
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
A working wife and also a mother of three awesome children. This blog is my online journal or diary, where I write and share my feelings, family, events, useful products, good food, exciting trips, kitchen endeavors, as well as occasional musings. Please note that I have no intention whatsoever to show off or to brag but merely to share my happiness and gratefulness. Life is short, let's make it sweet :)

Monday, October 29, 2007

More Raya Photos...

Naz's parents with all the grandchildren

Naz's two handsome younger brothers - Cher and Jam

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Visit to the National Zoo

We went to the Zoo on September 1 but I just didn't get the chance to upload the photos. The kids had a marvellous time especially when the weather was close to perfect - almost no sun. It even rained a bit but that didn't affect our trip. It was also surprising that somehow the animals were a lil bit more awake than the last time we went. This was actually Munira's 4th trip and Muzafar's 2nd.

Talk to the handddd...

There's always time for a picnic!!!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Munira's First Casting

Yesterday, Pam, the talent agency lady called up and asked Munira to go for casting - not for an advert but for a corporate video. Surprisingly, Naz was more excited than I was. I was not that thrilled cause I thought poor Munira was going to be really tired after school and she definitely wouldn't want to go. Somehow, she agreed and I didn't even have to do any convincing.

Well everything went just OK and we are not hoping that much. It was her first time talking and posing in front of a stranger with a video camera. Nevertheless, it was really a good experience for her.

This evening, the kids and I decided to have a bit of fun blowing bubbles outside the house while waiting for Naz to come home from work. It was really therapeutic! We are definitely going to do this more often. Small joys of life!!!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Jeng3 I am backkkk...

Let's start with our family potrait...Our theme color this year? Very obvious isn't it? Hehehe...

I have actually not celebrated Raya in KL for quite a number of years. Main reason is that Naz is already staying with my family, it is only fair that we go back to his place once a year which is during Aidilfitri. I don't even mind cause it is fun to be with Naz's family. Of course, the longgg journey going (9 hours) and coming back (10.5) this Raya made me feel like I was 9 months pregnant, but we had the time of our lives. Penat tu of course penat la kan...cooking for a large family but itu dah adatla kan as a menantu. Duduk kat dapur memang berjam2 lamanya. Tapi bila tiba pagi raya, hilang semua penat. Just fun!

The first day when we arrived, we didn't miss the opportunity to visit Kampung Raja's Ramadhan Market. Main intention was to look for Apam Balik Telur and Pisang (unfortunately didn't manage to get any photo of it). It is our favourite and it is so unfortunate that we can't get it anywhere in KL. Anyway some of things that we saw...

The kids also love it when we go back. So many activities! Second day of Raya, we went for a picnic in Bukit Kluang which is about 10 minutes from Naz's place. The kids enjoyed themselves tremendously as seen in these photos below.

Muzafar also had fun chasing off cows away from the house. Just so that the cows would not you-know-what anywhere near the house. As the smell can be a turn off.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Selamat Hari Raya...

We are going back to Besut tonight for Hari Raya and there wouldn't be any internet connection for me for the next few days. So I would like to take this opportunity to wish all you fellow Muslims out there, a SELAMAT HARI RAYA and MAAF ZAHIR BATIN! If you are travelling, please drive safely. Then to everybody else, have a good break during Raya and do enjoy the ketupat and rendang!!! My dear friends, fyi I'll be back on Wednesday, October 17th. Let's meet up then ya...

Nazlin Munira &
Nazhan Muzafar

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Happy Birthday to Nazlin Munira!!!

Munira turned 7 today!!! Yupp, just a day after Muzafar’s birthday and so that makes them exactly 4 years apart and I thought there would never be any conflict between them because of the age gap. Unfortunately, I was wrong. Siblings are siblings. Of course it is also hard to believe that in my children’s case, Muzafar is the more dominant one. Regardless of being 4 years younger than Munira!

Anyway, Munira was born on Friday, October 6, 2000. She weighed about 3.2kg and was 52cm long. Was indeed the most beautiful baby girl I had ever seen in my whole entire life!

It was actually quite an easy first experience for me. My waterbag broke at 8:30pm, reached the hospital at about 10am. Real contractions begun at about 12pm. Started screaming and grabbing Naz by the neck at about 1pm. Then, started pushing at 3pm and she was finally out at 4.57pm. Gosh it was a miracle but for about 3 months after that, I told Naz I was never ever going to give birth again. As I said, only 3 months. Right after that, once I had forgotten about all the pain related to child birth (Masya Allah, let’s not go there), I was ready to have another one. Hehe, hence Muzafar came into our family picture 4 years later.

Even after the ordeal I had to go through during Muzafar’s delivery, I am actually dreaming for just another one. We’ll see. Hopefully next year? Insya Allah…

To our darling daughter Nazlin Munira, you make us proud every single day. We love you more than words can describe. Happy 7th birthday to our first baby!
Digging into Chili's Molten Chocolate Cake, KLCC on her birthday, 2007

Right before her Ballet class on October 6, 2007

Friday, October 5, 2007

Happy Birthday to Nazhan Muzafar!!!

Yes, today is Nazhan Muzafar's 3rd birthday!!! Muzafar was born on Tuesday, October 5th, 2004 in Pusat Rawatan Islam Jalan Ipoh at about 3:38pm and he was 55cm long. I wouldn't say that it was an easy labour as I was admitted 4 days earlier and I was in and out of the labour room from the day I was admitted! At birth he weighed about 3.55kg and now he is approximately 17kg, waaaa Ibu dah tak larat nak dukung lagiiii hehe. Happy Birthday Baby!!! Ibu and Ayah love you with all our hearts....emmuuahh!

On his Birth Day

Taken on September 29, 2007