About Leenda...

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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
A working wife and also a mother of three awesome children. This blog is my online journal or diary, where I write and share my feelings, family, events, useful products, good food, exciting trips, kitchen endeavors, as well as occasional musings. Please note that I have no intention whatsoever to show off or to brag but merely to share my happiness and gratefulness. Life is short, let's make it sweet :)

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Yesterday, Naz and I celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary. Seems like only a fews years ago that we met for the first time and that time, Naz was as quiet as a mouse. Barely spoke a single word during our first date. I was the more friendly and outspoken one hehe. Today after almost 12 years knowing each other, we share basically everything. Of course, our life is not perfect but at least we have each other and after all these years, I still enjoy our little talks in the car, before going to bed or over a cup of coffee. Thank you Abang for always lending me your shoulders to cry on. I am so lucky to have two most understanding BFFs, Naz and Win. Thank you God! :)