About Leenda...

My photo
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
A working wife and also a mother of three awesome children. This blog is my online journal or diary, where I write and share my feelings, family, events, useful products, good food, exciting trips, kitchen endeavors, as well as occasional musings. Please note that I have no intention whatsoever to show off or to brag but merely to share my happiness and gratefulness. Life is short, let's make it sweet :)

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Duit Raya!

The kids' earliest duit raya this year. Yang bestnya, Ibu pun dapat sama! You're too much la Nana. You don't even celebrate Hari Raya and you're giving us duit raya. Anyway, rezeki tak baik ditolak. Yeay, yeay ibu boleh sopping lebih sket  teehehe. I have such thoughtful colleagues/friends...Alhamdulillah.

Not only we got duit raya from Nana, we got these awesome cookies too. The kids love them. Now I am afraid my cookies would not turn out as great. Pressure, pressure...hehe.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Yeayea...nak raya...

Saja nak mengimbas kembali kenangan Hari Raya pertama memakai baju sedondon teehehe...terasa bersemangat nak beraya lagi tahun nih.

2007 (Biru Nila)
2008 (Oren)
2009 (Maroon 5)
2010 (Ungu)
2011 (Petronas)
2012 (Teh Tarik Crew)

Kaler apakah yang menjadi pilihan tahun 2013 ni? Jeng3...kita tunggu dan lihat yea (sudah semestinya BUKAN pink - naz tak sukaaa) :p...

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Rezeki orang berpuasa...

I was having a terrible headache and feeling extremely weak by the time I got home yesterday. Probably because I did not eat enough during sahur. Before I went home, I received these goodies from my colleagues. Hershey's Kisses from my HOD, dates from Dr Chua (they are amazing by the way...by far the best!), and Sri Lankan curry powder from San (hemmm, bila agaknya nak masak kari lagi ni? malas3 haha!). Anyway, rezeki bulan Ramadhan la ni...terubat sikit pening kepala bila dapat prezen hehe. Anyway, thank you uolz! :)

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


After the entry I made last week about trying out as many new things as possible before I meet my Creator, I 've started listing them down in my head. I've decided that I should share the list here so that I would feel at least, a lil' pressured to start something, somewhere soon hehe...


1. BAKE - more complicated stuff like:
~ Bread
~ Croissants
~ Eclairs
~ Tarts
~ Crepe cake
~ Rainbow cake

2. PLANT - flowers and vegetables.

3. TRAVEL - to exotic/mysterious places like:
~ Stonehenge (pictures below!)
~ Agora to see Taj Mahal with my own eyes
~ Machu Picchu in Peru
~ Egypt where the pyramids are...

4. SEW - using a sewing machine to make things like:
~ Aprons
~ Curtains
~ Table cloths
~ Clothes (I will start with Muhaya's Barbie's clothes hehe)
~ Patchwork quilts

~ Make mosaic table top using unwanted tiles (we have so many leftover tiles after renovating one of our toilets)

6. Sports
~ Bungee jumping (Just kidding! Am NOT that crazy)

I don't expect to accomplish everything but I would be pleased enough if I can cancel off as many items as possible from this list :).

Seriously couldn't contain my excitement when I finally got the chance to visit last November. I have read and watched documentaries about Stonehenge almost all my life. Looking at the real thing with my very own eyes, I was nothing but in awe...

Happy tak terkata...Syukur Alhamdulillah!
Still find it hard to believe that this, was captured using my own camera!!! I was actually there!!!

This was taken kat Old Sarum - a huge earthwork raised in about 500BC by Iron Age settlers and later occupied by Romans, Saxons and Normans. They built a castle and a royal palace, and by the mid-12th century it was a busy town with a fine new cathedral (Source -http://www.thestonehengetour.info/).

Monday, July 22, 2013

I am deeply touched!

Came to work half asleep this morning and found this email in my inbox. What a way to start my sleep deprived Monday morning hehe...

Hi Ms.L,

 This is xxx and I would like to thank you for all your help in the past three years. I somehow felt comfortable with you even during the first time I approached you. Thank you for being very helpful and approachable. I went to look for you in your room last Friday after my last paper but you were not in. 

I have finally completed all my papers after three years and I hope to see you again sometime. Thank you.



Hemmm, if only I were to receive this sort of email everyday...I would definitely love my job even more teehehe...

Friday, July 19, 2013

Happy Birthday Laling Naz!

Yesterday was my dearest Naz's birthday. I had posted this on my FB wall and I received almost a hundred likes. Gosh, my fb friends are so supportive lol! Here's what I wrote:

   On this date 38 years ago, a very special person was brought into this world. Today, I am very lucky and privileged to be part of this special person's life.
Cik Abang, you are my pillar of strength, my knight in shining armor, my shoulders to cry on, MY EVERYTHING...
You make our lives so meaningful and fun. Thank you for being such an amazing hubby and a wonderful ayah to the kids. We are extremely lucky to have you in our lives...
So, to the kindest, funniest, gentlest and most patient person I know...Happy, happy 38th birthday!!! :)
We ♥ you with all our hearts!!!


I had also uploaded an old photo of him for his current friends to see @ admire hehe. Almost everyone who didn't know him back then was in disbelief. Anyway, this was Naz when I first met him. To me, he is the same good looking lad today that won my heart 17 years ago...


Tuesday, July 16, 2013


After terawih last Saturday, we took the kids to watch Despicable Me 2 in Pavilion. It was an entertaining movie and all of us enjoyed it a lot. Even Muhaya could sit still, well at least  for the first hour.The movie makes me want McDonald's minions (for the kids of course!) even more but unfortunately I've not succeeded in getting my hands on those yellow cuties. They are so popular and in demand, people are willing to queue for them at 12 am! Am so sad...disappointed...sume ader...grrr...

Munira and Muhaya anxiously waiting for the movie to start...
Muzafar and Muhaya posing with the purple minion...

Oh have to mention that we had something very different for iftar on Saturday. Made my own pesto sauce using our homegrown basil leaves and lamb stew with veggies. The stew was a hit with Naz and the kids. Now I know how to get the kids to eat veggies - put them in a stew and they will eat them all (onions, celery, carrots, sweet potatoes, potatoes and even zucchinis)!

Fresh basil leaves

Lamb stew with toasted bread and butter

Sunday, July 14, 2013

I am back, again...preparing to turn fabulous forty!

I am proud to say that I am turning 40 in about 2 years from now. Being at this junction, I feel and I know that I have been putting on hold many things which I wanted to accomplish when I was younger and childless. Not that I am complaining, but my life has actually been on a routine for many, many years. I  vow to change that.

Now that the kids are older, I have more free time in my hands. Therefore, I would like to do things which I have thought of doing but never done or tried before. I think it's time for me to start challenging myself mentally and physically. Not only to make sure that my mind stays active but just so that when I am on my death bed, I would be able to say 'Alhamdulliah...I had led a very fulfilling life'.

So, (now that I have a smartphone, thanks to Naz hehe), I would like to not only document my family life in this blog, butI would like to also share the journey of the next phase of my life...turning fabulous forty! Woohoo!

P/s OMG, such a long winded entry!