About Leenda...

My photo
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
A working wife and also a mother of three awesome children. This blog is my online journal or diary, where I write and share my feelings, family, events, useful products, good food, exciting trips, kitchen endeavors, as well as occasional musings. Please note that I have no intention whatsoever to show off or to brag but merely to share my happiness and gratefulness. Life is short, let's make it sweet :)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Happy 10th Wedding Anniversary to Me and Naz!

Romantika...je t'aime Naz

I know that I have not been a good blogger. Blame it on my busy schedule at work and at home. I used to have 3 babies to take of, now I have 4 hehe. It's now almost impossible for me to find the time to consistently blog!

Anyway, no matter how busy I am, how can I NOT blog on this very day. Today marks the 10th year, Naz and I have been married! 10 years is definitely not a short period and I just want the whole world to know that after all these years, after 3 wonderful children, I still love Naz with all my heart! In fact, I love him more than ever. He has been a great husband, father and my bestest friend!

I am really lucky to have Naz in my life. I can list more than 10 reasons but the top ten reasons why I think Naz is such a great life partner are as follows:

1. He is funny and witty. (Yes my friends. He looks quiet and shy but he can be a chatterbox at home if he wants to :)

2. He is always calm and has never ever raised his voice from the very first time I met him (With the kids of course pernah laa).

3. He is extremely supportive of everything I do (Even when I am on one of my crazy diet resolutions)

4. He is very patient (He once waited for me for almost two hours in front of my office not knowing that I had already reached home. When he got home, he was not at all angry! Can you believe this???)

5. He just enjoys to be home with me and the kids. Such a family man he is.

6. He is very thoughtful. He never forgets birthdays and anniversaries.

7. He is very understanding. He knows what to say to me when I need to hear certain things.

8. He shares basically everything. We don't keep anything from each other. I would not be able to sleep if I don't tell him stuff hehe.

9. He accepts me the way I am and never expected me to be perfect.

10. Most importantly, I can tell that he loves me sincerely. Through thick (my fats) and through thin (once upon a time)...

Happy 10th Anniversary my darling Naz. I love you with all my heart and I want to spend the rest of my life doing just that. You are the bestest thing that has ever happened in my life (besides Krispy Kreme coming to Malaysia...hehe just kidding ;)!