About Leenda...

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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
A working wife and also a mother of three awesome children. This blog is my online journal or diary, where I write and share my feelings, family, events, useful products, good food, exciting trips, kitchen endeavors, as well as occasional musings. Please note that I have no intention whatsoever to show off or to brag but merely to share my happiness and gratefulness. Life is short, let's make it sweet :)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Merdeka! Dah habis pantang..yippie!

Today is my last day of confinement. Not that I've been really following all the 'DON'T(S)' strictly, but at least there would not be any more guilt when I go out or eat certain food which I'm not supposed to! Actually I've already been out and about for the past two weeks (hopefully my MIL will never find out about this hehe).

Anyway, glad that I don't have to wear socks and tie my hair in a tight bun anymore now that my confinement has ended! :)

Friday, February 6, 2009

I am finally back...:)

Like what I said previously, I have not been blogging for a while and I really miss doing so. I was telling J, I would definitely blog again, once I’m at home, on my maternity leave. Unfortunately, when I started my leave on December 22, (before the arrival of the new babe) I just got too lazy and was exhausted most of the time. All I wanted to do when not entertaining my in-laws and attending to Munira and Muzafar’s needs, was sleep. To be fair to me, I had not been sleeping well from the start of my last trimester. So when I was finally not at work during the day, my body and mind would just shut down whenever possible.

After the birth of the baby, I thought I would be able to start blogging again but I just couldn't do it as I was just too busy re-adapting to the routine of a mother to a newborn. It has been more than 4 years since I last cared for a newborn baby. I have actually forgotten, the hours required to change dirty diapers, to feed, to bath, to wash, and the sleep deprivation, the constant worrying (when she cries, I’d worry if she is in pain, hungry or wet and when is sound asleep, I'd worry if she is breathing)hehe.

TODAY, there are two good reasons why I should blog and hopefully it will also help to start the ball rolling again…huhu!

This morning, Naz, my dad and I were at Munira’s school once again, as she was receiving awards for her achievements in Primary 2. Even though this time around she only managed to secure second place (average of about 94%), we are all still very proud of her :). She managed to obtain all As for her subjects except for a B in Arts (even though she loves to draw hehe). She also received recognition for getting the highest marks for Science and Arabic. Good Job babeh!

Our baby, Nazira Muhaya is now 4 weeks – approximately one month! Can’t believe that it has been that long. I’m very excited to see that she has grown a bit but that simply means, I would have to go back to work very soon and leave her at home…uwaaaaa. Anyway, will write more about her sooon…:)

p/s Would love to share photos of Munira and Muhaya but unfortunaely, I'm having difficulty uploading photos from home so will do so whenever possible.