About Leenda...

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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
A working wife and also a mother of three awesome children. This blog is my online journal or diary, where I write and share my feelings, family, events, useful products, good food, exciting trips, kitchen endeavors, as well as occasional musings. Please note that I have no intention whatsoever to show off or to brag but merely to share my happiness and gratefulness. Life is short, let's make it sweet :)

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Week 17 - Almost half way there my babeh!

Email from Baby Gaga...Update on my pregnancy.

Fetal development in pregnancy week 17: fetus in fourth month.
Don't be too shocked but... your baby is EVEN bigger than it was last week, not to mention getting cuter, and smarter every day! (Leenda: Cuter? I'm sure hehe). As you’ve come to expect, there’s no shortage of growth and development this week: your fantastic little bean stalk has added yet another half inch to their overall height--making them nearly half a foot long (Leenda: Wow!). Their little limbs have reached (or are within one week of) their relative proportions, and will continue to grow evenly with the rest of the body after this week. Reactive listening has begun for your baby, even though their ears are not yet structurally complete or fully functional. Meanwhile, different parts of their astonishingly complex brain are developing to process your little one’s hearing and other senses, (you know, sight, smell, taste and touch). Mind boggling factoid of the week: if you’re going to have a little girl, her ovaries have already produced millions of primordial egg cells (Leenda: What? Hemmm...), which, within a few weeks, will develop into actual eggs! Phew… just wait till she’s a teenager eh? (Leenda: Tell me about it hehe...)

And how's mom doing? Even though the second trimester is often characterized as the most enjoyable of the three, you can count on a few ailments (see week 14 for additional tri-2 symptoms). This week, or in the coming weeks, you may be privy to the uncommon joys of “round ligament pain.” (Leenda: My God, I'm experiencing exactly that!)
These not-so-lovely symptoms - bellyaches, pain in the lower abdomen and sharp shooting and/or stabbing pains, most often expressed at the end of the day. Your suffering is due to stretched ligaments and muscles that support your ever-growing uterus (Leenda: Oh, no wonder!) This is to be expected and is perfectly normal (especially since your uterus is only getting bigger!)(Leenda: Thank God!).
Some doctors advise sleeping on your left side as lying on your back can compress your pelvic veins, decreasing blood return to the lower half of your body. Lying on your left side relieves this pressure thereby allowing normal blood flow. If this doesn’t do the trick, go ahead and consult your health care practitioner, but try not to punch them when they serenely tell you it’s normal to feel stabbing pain during this time. As we all know, violence never solves anything. (Leenda: I'll try the sleeping position as well as not to punch the doctor muahaha...)

Monday, July 28, 2008


I have been feeling extremely lazy (and heavy) lately. Find it especially hard to get up in the morning. All I feel like doing now is just to lie down in bed, in ai air conditioned room, with a remote control in my hand and of course with snacks by my side. Aaahh...that sounds like a perfect way to spend my pregnant days. However, coming back to reality, weekdays - got to go to work, come home at 6pm, spend a bit of time with the kids and would already be half asleep by 9 pm. Weekends? Well, possible...but with two kids and and Naz, there is always something that I need to do that requires me getting out of bed hehe...

I was so looking forward to last Saturday cause I was not feeling well almost the whole of last week. I managed to rest a bit but most of the time, was out with Naz and Muzafar, running errands. Munira was also not feeling well and was spending most of her Saturday in bed.

Took Kak Jah to Italiannies (Gardens)on Sunday for her birthday lunch and I found the food to be as great as the last time I came with friends from the office for Cin's birthday. As for Naz who was there for the first time, he really loved it! So, we will definitely go back there especially when they gave us free dessert (they didn't even know that it was Kak Jah's birthday)!

After Italiannies, took the kids to Tasik Titiwangsa. Munira was feeling a lot better and wanted to rollerblade and the lil boy wanted to play soccer with his Ayah. I was just there as a spectator, water supplier and moral supporter hehe.

Oh, baked Marble Cheesecake with Walnuts on Sunday but totally forgotten to snap a photo of it. What a waste!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Just Last Week...

Sunday - July 20. Fira's birthday...Happy birthday darling. Going to have dinner with her after work tomorrow.

At home, so much for my 'katil day', Naz and my dad were outside having a gotong royong to clean up our front yard, I felt guilty so I ended helping a tiny bit hehe. It looked like really hard labour for them though. Poor Naz, he had to cut down a dead rambutan tree all by himself. His hands were aching that night. Am sure my dad had a bad night too :)

Saturday - Munira was in school for her Solat Camp. Naz and I went to Carrefour for our monthly grocery shopping and by the time we got back, my brother's kids have arrived. They were spending a night with us as my brother and sis-in-law had to go for a business trip. They were sleeping in my room with Munira and they looked sooo cuteee...

Rashad, Munira & Aneesa

Saturday night, Naz and I went to Chris and Gayan's wedding at Concorde KL. It was a simple wedding but the hall was nicely decorated. I especially love the wedding cake.

I love the candle stand. Beautiful flowers

The Wedding Cake, alamak gelap laa...

Chris and Gayan cutting their wedding cake

Friday - July 18. It was the birthday of the most special person in my life. It was Naz's birthday. Naz and I took a day off on that Friday for two reasons. First, to go for my monthly check-up at Pusrawi and second, to celebrate Naz's birthday. That night we decided to go for Iranian Food which all of us enjoyed. Naz has always liked middle-eastern food.

Naz and his babies on his 33rd birthday...

Muzafar posing

Naz ordered Iranian tea which my throat couldn't accept. Some funky taste there, man

Superb Lamb Shank

Monday, July 14, 2008

Update - My Life etc

I am officially in my second trimester, Syukur Alhamdulillah. Everything is, so far, so good. Can't wait to start buying baby's clothes. Found Carter's newborn suits at Bangsar Village. 3 in a pack for for RM36/-. Buy 3 packs and get one free. Gonna get them as soon as I know the gender of the baby since the suits are all color coordinated. Blues or pinks. Should I bother letting my boy wear pink or vice versa? Hemmm..I actually do mind ;) hehehe...

Last two Saturdays, took the kids for a picnic at Tekala. Just for a short while since they were very dissapointed for not being able to go for a deep at Sri Palma Villa's pool. It is closed for maintenance. God knows how long it will be closed. The pool's condition was horrible. Yucks!

Last Wednesday, Naz and I watched Hancock and I kinda like it. It was really entertaining. Will Smith is as cool and as handsome as ever and Jason Bateman? Wow, he has aged, but gracefully I would say. Charlize Theron is of course as attractive as ever. Superhero that needed some PR training. Out of the ordinary I would say. Cute.

Just last Saturday, took the kids to the KL library pulak. For a change. Have not taken them for ages.

I decided took cook something special yesterday. Took me about 2 hours to prepare then after eating, I was super exhausted. Couldn't even lift up my arms. Terrible.
Didn't get to snap photos of the Nasi Beriani and Honey Chicken as we were all just too hungry and couldn't wait to start eating hehe.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

A movie date...

Naz and I watched The Happening, M. Night Shyamalan's latest movie last night. We can say that we are his loyal fans and have never missed any of his movies. We actually like all his previous movies - they are all awesome and my all time favourite is of course, The Sixth Sense. However The Happening isn't so great. There were very interesting/strong scenes at the beginning, that will make you want to watch the movie right till the end but when the movie finally ended, Naz and I were thinking...aiyo, is that it? Hemmm...