About Leenda...

My photo
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
A working wife and also a mother of three awesome children. This blog is my online journal or diary, where I write and share my feelings, family, events, useful products, good food, exciting trips, kitchen endeavors, as well as occasional musings. Please note that I have no intention whatsoever to show off or to brag but merely to share my happiness and gratefulness. Life is short, let's make it sweet :)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Muzafar's First Full Day of Fasting

As an extremely proud mom, I would like to share with the whole world that my 5+ year old son, managed to fast from dawn until sunset yesterday (4th day of Ramadhan, 1431H/2010).

This is actually the first year he started getting up for sahur and for the first 3 days, he only managed to fast until 1-2pm.

Naz and I are heaps proud!

Anyway, latest photos of the kids taken right before Ramadhan...:)
Munira, doing what she loves to do the most

Muzafar, grabbing every opportunity to be behind the steering wheel

Muhaya, with her new fringe