About Leenda...

My photo
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
A working wife and also a mother of three awesome children. This blog is my online journal or diary, where I write and share my feelings, family, events, useful products, good food, exciting trips, kitchen endeavors, as well as occasional musings. Please note that I have no intention whatsoever to show off or to brag but merely to share my happiness and gratefulness. Life is short, let's make it sweet :)

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Another action packed weekend!!!

Took B out for a belated birthday lunch. We went to Lids and Finch, Jalan Dungun off Damansara Heights. The interior was simple but very pleasant - perfect for a quiet and peaceful break - away from the hustle and bustle of our office. B ordered a plate of Pesto with grilled chicken and I ordered Aglio Olio spaghetti with beef bacon bits. To end our meal, we decided to share a piece of Chocolate Mud Cake which was not bad (not great cause it was not muddy enough for a choc lover like me moohaha!).

Rating: 3.5/5
B's lunch - Pesto with chicken
What I had - Aglio Olio

That night, in the spirit of a very much anticipated long weekend, Naz and I took the kids to AEON AU2 for some fun. Munira and Muzafar were excited to try out archery and Muhaya was let loose in kidzooona. They had KFC for dinner and look, sempat lagi berposing before we left. We got cold stares from the girl who was mopping the floor cause it was slightly past 10pm. Sorry hehe...
I, AM, NOT! going anywhere near there!
Happy baby!
Only Muzafar has the right expression here keh3...
While Naz was at work on Saturday, my dad and I followed my sister to her apartment in Seri Putra. Just to check on the renovation progress.
Her balcony
Her wet kitchen
Our dessert  (haha sempat lagi) - Secret Recipe's new Turkish Indulgence. Rating: 4/5

When Naz got home from work, he sent Munira to her friend's sister's wedding and brought the other two kids to Citrus Hotel where his siblings were staying for the night. More for a little fun in the swimming pool for the little ones.
Muhaya and her cousins - the 2009 babies...
As soon as I got back from Seri Putra, I was busy in the kitchen preparing dinner for Naz's family. Unfortunately, didn't take any photo of what I cooked.
Naz's large family...

As for Sunday...it started out with Naz and I going for a walk/light jog at Lake Titiwangsa very early in the morning. Then, we were off to send Muzafar for his guitar lesson and Muhaya for her ballet class. After that, we went to my cousin's open house in Setiawangsa. After the open house, we once again went to Titiwangsa Lake. This time for the playground.
While waiting for Muhaya, I decided to do a lil stitching. The above is the 'before photo' of my baju kurung sleeve
Here is the 'after photo'. Whaddaya think? I personally think it now looks classier

My cousin's open house. Kambing golek tuuu...

Minah posing hehe...
Waiting for their aiskrim potong/goyang Milo :)
On Malaysia Day (public holiday hoorayyy), we had a picnic at Lake Titiwangsa (yes again) while the kids were riding their bicycles. Naz and I took turns to walk around the lake.
Gosh, I look so big here...Uwaaa!!!!!
The rest of our day was spent at home. Entertaining my auntie who came down from Kuantan and I was also busy with housework, housework and more housework hehe. Overall, it was a fantastic 3 day weekend! I wish for moreeee...

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